Monday, February 1, 2010

Custom Painted Javelin

Recently we were asked to do a custom paintjob on a Javelin to be used for this years athletic season and hopefully to qualify for the upcoming Comonwealth games. It was a pretty fun project and we're pretty sure it will look the part flying through the air as it goes for gold.
We tried to hold it in keeping with Kiwi colours and emblems, there's some little silver ferns ghosted underneath the black towards the front that become visable in direct sunlight. I was pretty happy with the effect as it was the first time I'd attempted it.
This sot of thing's a lot of fun, I'm looking forward to developing some real skills in the future.

Javelin Primed
It came to us primed and basicaly ready to spray.
Finished Javelin
The spiral will hopefully help it climb a little higher as it spins.
Liwi Javelin 2
The silver fern's NZ represent. Under the black are some more ferns that fade out further down the shaft.
Kiwi Javelin